Other Bits & Bobs

Jan 12, 2012

Drapery That Divides a Room

Dutch Lady at Dressing Table c.1670 (Minneapolis Institute of Arts)

A passageway into another room shielded slightly by fabric creates an element of privacy without the need of a door. It's mysterious, it's enticing and it sparks our curiosity..

What is hiding behind that curtain?
Pinned Image

So today's post is all about the use of fabric panels, drapery/curtains and sheers in order to divide a room.

This otherwise rustic setting has been given a huge boost of sophistication with the use of these linen unlined drapery panels - framing this entrance in a way that no other decorative element would be able to.

This instantly creates an impact to those arriving while shielding the guests on the other side of them.


While simulating walls, similar to some that were in Monday's post on Draping the Walls,
here through the use of fabric panels, various areas and elements within the design have been created.

pinterest / Jan Showers

Patrick Frey  Photo: Henry Bourne

These types of drapery panels, at the doorways and passageways within the home, remind me of the velvet draperies you find at Parisian restaurants to keep out the cold. These not only soften the other more masculine elements, but once again through the use of color and texture this vertical visual in the room can also help accentuate the height, helping to lessen the other more imposing features (dark wood panelling, large armoires, etc).

J Bilhuber / Elle Decor

pinterest /

or even making use of the smallest spaces, whether train inspired cubbies as Guest Rooms in a summer home or for the kids or as in the example below, as doors for a private bathroom,, these drapery panels are multifunctional in protecting the sleeping beauty from noise & light while providing that privacy without creating a claustrophobic like space.

Lettered Cottage / pinterest

M Gilliat Interior Design Course

Honestly, my dream office. No other words necessary here...

Jay Jeffers - Office

And in the most contemporary of settings, through some simple detailing these panels also add interest and pattern into this very large open floor plan, and shield anyone from feeling too exposed while using this sofa.

McAlpine Tankersley Architecture

Start looking around your home - today - perhaps there are passageways that could use some gorgeous curtains like these??!

Trip Haenisch


Big, Huge, Gigantic Giveaway to be launched starting tomorrow, and graciously sponsored by
The Curtain Exchange - New Jersey and Westchester locations!

You don't want to miss out on this fantastic opportunity to get involved.

For more images / and credits, please visit my Pinterest/Drapery board


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I"ve got grand ideas for my house! Great post! I particularly like the final photograph.

  3. ...and the grand bathroom. And...

  4. hmmm yea wonder whats hiding behind the curtains...
    Beautifuls posts..the bath is lovely
    and so is the rest ;)

    first time visit at your blog..but not the last..beautiful

  5. The red orange color sofa looks extremely lovely. I know there are many other beautiful things in these rooms I should appropriate but that sofa really speak to me.


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