Other Bits & Bobs

Jan 25, 2013

Happy 2013 from ALT Summit and Salt Lake City

For those of you that are following me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram you know that 2013 has started off with a bang and I have been busy working on many great new design projects that I can't wait to share with you soon.

In the meantime, I made it to Salt Lake City for another fantastic year of ALT Summit that helped start this blog last year!! See what a difference 1 year can make!?

So if you want to get a little of the great content form the many panels and keynotes throughout my day, make sure to follow my live tweets.

To start I made a quick stop in the Bing Lounge with a quick photo booth shot, ..

Thanks BING for this great Lounge

Then after a day filled of fantastic and engaging conversation and panels I got my "green" on as I joined in the festivities as 'Mrs Green' at the Clue inspired Joss and Main party which got everyone including Mitra form Joss and Main and Gabrielle Blair from Design Mom and our hostesses, to dress as Mrs Peacock.

A little touch of vintage from others in the room, and much more!

That's all the pictures from here for tonight - I need to get ready for another day full of great content. Enjoy!

Mrs Peacock I presume?  Gabrielle Blair from Design Mom, Lynn Byrne of Decor Arts Now

Mitra of Joss and Main


  1. Jennifer congratulations on all of the above! Loving your excellent live coverage of #altsummit on twitter. Can't wait to catch up with all my NYC blog friends when you guys are back!

  2. You sound super busy and very happy! Enjoy ALT Summit! And thanks for the fun pics!

  3. Had so much fun with you! Don't know how we missed each other at the Clue party! Hope you are enjoying your new elliptical! LOL!

  4. Great pictures! Sounds like you are having a great time via twitter!


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