Other Bits & Bobs

Mar 23, 2013

DIFFA - Dining by Design - Part 3 - Architectural Digest Home Show

It was such a pleasure to tour this year's DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS Dining by Design exhibition during the Architectural Digest Home Show with some of my friends on #BlogTourNYC with Modenus as a BlogTour alum.

Being able to visit the exhibition with last year's still very fresh on my mind.. (visit the posts from last year here, here and here) was exciting to see how some of this year's designers who were also present last year, shared a very different point of view. 

Frederico Delrosso - Corinthian Capitol Group LLC
Being an official New Yorker now for the past 5 years.. there is something about this installation piece that really strikes a chord for me.. simple and beautiful while touching on an emotional connection to those of us that actually look up when visiting Manhattan.

Arteriors - design by Barry Dixon

Rachel Laxer Interiors with Robert Kuo

Pratt Institute - Arpad Baksa - J Josephson, Inc

Marc Blackwell New York

Rachel Ashwell - Shabby Chic

Fendi Casa - Manhattan Magazine

In case you missed them, make sure to visit Part 1 and Part 2 of the Dining by Design posts from this year's event..
New York School of Interior Design - Marc Blackwell

I truly hope you enjoyed viewing the tables of this year's show, and make sure to show your support of this great cause, as we all have an invested interest in making sure that all that suffer from this horrific disease, are taken care of and that those that we can educate and save from these struggles, are given all the education that we all deserve.

Friday, March 22 - Saturday, March 23
11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sunday, March 24
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Explore the latest in design trends as you view the amazing installations and shop the silent auction. 
TICKETS: $30 (includes admission to the Architectural Digest Home Design Show)
Enter Promo Code DIFFA to receive $5 off 
To purchase tickets, click here.

Throughout the course of the five days of events, DIFFA will host a silent auction showcasing fabulous hospitality experiences and luxury goods. If your company is interested in contributing an experience to the event's silent auction, please click here


  1. Beautiful! Wish so much I could be there but now I am feeling as though I have! Thanks Jen!

  2. Wow, these are truly beautiful – I´d love them all! :-)


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