Other Bits & Bobs

Jul 1, 2013

My First Google + Hangout with James Bedell

What a great time!
Thanks so much to James Bedell, for the invite and lovely chat on Google Plus this evening..
the time just flew by!

James Bedell and I met on our BlogTour London adventure, and I can genuinely say I was instantly a fan of his. He is a thoughtful, and talented Lighting Designer in New York, and I hope to be able to partner with him on a project in the near future.

Laurie Laizure, Donna Frasca and James, all friends from our online circles, established a fantastic Interior Design Community on Google Plus which recently surpassed 5000 members! Laura & James are solely to "blame" for the extra time I am spending on Google Plus. It has been fun, learning about how it works and how it can help create a new audience - for work, or for my blog.

So, when James invited me to "HangOut" with him - of course I was happy to spend some time, chatting about my interior design process, my clients and "The Interview" as well as a little history on how it has changed over the years for me, and through the use of social media.


Happy Viewing!
and make sure to join the community, and give them a shout out from me.