Other Bits & Bobs

Nov 12, 2013

A Day to be the Most Unique You - 11 - 12 - 13

Hi Friends.. It has been a busy time, but I wanted to share a fun little note about today, perhaps to inspire each and every one of you to be the most unique YOU possible.

Today's date -- 11-12-13 -- is pretty unique. 

To start off with, it might be the second to last sequential date most of us will ever experience, only enjoying it one more time on December 13th of next year ... (12-13-14).


After that, it won't happen again for another 90 years - not until Jan. 2, 2103.
So, all of you, be the most unique kind of you today and inspire those around you to be as well!
I want to be a Renaissance Girl .. inspired by this Daily Candy video of Oh Land!

Happy Snow Day New York!
illustration: Hayden Williams with caption via 

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