Other Bits & Bobs

Aug 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle: BLOGHER here I come!

So as some of you that still follow me know (thanks guys!), I have been on a little ..or maybe not so little now..hiatus of sorts. I pop in and out of the online SM platforms. I really have been trying my very best to stay engaged and up to speed with everything that happens in the 24 hour cycle of Twitter et al.

I love this blog.
I love blogging.
I actually think I love "talking" blog & design online (and sometimes this blog too) even more than that!
But, I am a working Interior Designer. That is what I do and really when all is said and one, that is who I am and maybe why I love sharing what I see and get to do on the blog.
I struggle, like I know so many of you do to, finding the time to go out and get inspired, to actually experience moments of "great content" and still come back and share those moments in a way that I feel is in keeping with what you and I expect of this blog.

So what am I rambling on about?
Well, I wanted to explain a little about the adventure that I am about to embark on as I happily accepted the invitation by Olioboard.com CEO Sheilah MacSporran and SM Guru Leslie Carothers of The Kaleidoscope Partnership to attend  BLOGHER 2012 with on their behalf as they work their way throught Las Vegas Market.

What is BlogHer '12? Only an event in it's 3rd year with 4000+ ultra powerful bloggers & mommy bloggers alike as they take Manhattan by storm!
Did you read that right -> 4,000 bloggers in 1 city??    YES!
Such an important event within the context of the power of Social Media that it draws the atention of none other than President Obama himself, who will be speaking to us!

Why me?? !! When I first came across Olioboard I wrote about it here... and early this year, I was lucky enough to be part of the Olioboard segment on The NATE BERKUS SHOW and had the pleasure of having my room win the big reveal.

 (watch that moment here)

and well, although I am not exactly a "Mommy Blogger"... I am a Mom, a designer for many Moms, a Blogger and hopefully will be able to share the #OlioLove with each one of the great new friends I make while I am dashing between panels.

So as I start to think about what I will need to do while there (there is a 120 page guide by the way, & an APP) I began to go through some of the posts with great advice from past attendees and these 2 Tips stood out by Blogger

"Last Minute Tips, Advice and Encouragement for BlogHer '12        
1. Attend at least one panel each day that you have absolutely no reason to attend.... There is no greater way to stretch your blogging wings, get new ideas, find inspiration to try new things, and grow as a blogger.


2. Don't hold yourself to too much of a structure over the weekend. Go with the flow ..

Um.. Ok, I will try! Check!

So, on that note,
I will leave you as I go paint my Nails an Olioboard blue..

So, thank you to Olioboard.com for this great oppurtunity.
Much more on my BlogHer '12 days / My Olioboard sharing / & Mommy Blogging experience over the next few days.


  1. Congrats enjoy!!! i'm green with envy!

  2. I am so happy for you, congrats, your Olioboards are amazing, and you are so kind. Would have love to be NY to see you all. Enjoy!

  3. Congrats and have so much fun!! A friend of mine, a mommy blogger, will be attending as well.



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