Sep 10, 2013

Please join me during Fall Market - D&D Building - "Live from New York"

Fall is almost upon us, and while throughout Europe the shows are presenting the newest trends and styles in interior design with London and Paris starting us off right.. we are also beginning to feel the buzz in NYC!

Next month, Fall Market at the D&D Building (Design & Decoration Building) will host 2 days of amazing presentations, keynote addresses and panels to inspire and excite every design lover. Some of you may remember my posts from the previous year's Market as a DDB Blogger .. here , here , 
but make sure to follow their twitter accounts, as this season a few fantastic friends cover the days events.

Instead this season, I will have the true pleasure of moderating a panel on day 1 of the events, where I hope to share with you some of the amazing sparks of creativity that were the basis of the new Pollack textile collection.
 "Fashions Fade, Style is Eternal" - Yves Saint Laurent

Please join me, Klaus Burgel, Liz Collins and Rachel Doriss of Pollack on Tuesday, October 1st at 12pm in the POLLACK showroom in the  DDB | Decoration and Design Building

I will be posting an in depth look at these artists before the date and some sneak peaks of the collection so stay tuned for that!

In the meantime, if you are in the city this week, stop by for a "Meet the Makers" event on Thursday, Sept 12th at 6:30 - 8:30 pm. and let them know I sent you!

Sep 9, 2013

The "Back To School" ... Work ... Jitters!

Hi Everyone..!
As most of you know, I always make the effort of spending the month of August with kids, visiting the family that we never get to spend time with while we are living in New York.
This year, we decided to take a different route from the usual trip to Portugal's coast, and instead headed to sunny California where we spent an incredible summer with with sun, laughter, days in the water.. you get the idea, right?


Today was a big day for me, as I dropped off my little one in Kindergarten, my tough middle boy began his first day of 5th grade and prepare for my oldest to start another year in Middle School...
the house is a buzz;
mom's nerves are electrified (that's me)
and I am ready to get 2013-2014 started with a bang!

When it comes to work - this month is jam packed with exciting events,
panels, talks and events that I am a part of (more on that over the next few days)
and plenty of projects that need lots of TLC to get ready for the big photo shoot marathon at the end of this month.


and of course, I can't forget the fabulous event I have been working on for months - 

the first day of demo started at the Ronald McDonald House "Project Design" and my room and all the fabulous pieces are all starting to come together.
Thrilled to be part of this event and can't wait for the big reveal on October 10th.

So, I am back in the saddle, and have lots to share so I will be seeing you all around the internet.
How was your summer? Share your special events, moments with me here or on my Facebook page - would love to hear all about it.

xo Jennifer
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